Personal project. 2018.

Elephant. Tame Impala. Lonerism. 2012.

Well he feels like an elephant
Shaking his big grey trunk for the hell of it
He knows that you dreaming about being loved by him
Too bad your chances are slim
And it’s not like Mr. Shuck to get shy when they ask him who is on top
There must be something deep down in the dark down there
But he’s not too easily scared
He’s got friends but they got the fear
Wouldn’t care too much if he just disappeared
Oh look, hey, there he is now coming down the stairs
Here he comes…
He pulled the mirrors off his Cadillac
‘Cause he doesn’t like it looking like he looks back
He talks like his opinion is a simple fact
Somebody grabbed his collar
He cried the whole way home
No one remembered a thing when they saw him again
That’s how it is ’til the end
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